Fasting and Al-Quran can provide intercession for the Muslims on the Day of Judgment with the permission of Allah.
Rasulullah shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam said,
الصيام والقرآن يشفعان للعبد يوم القيامة, يقول الصيام: أي رب, منعته الطعام والشهوات بالنهار, فشفعني فيه, ويقول القرآن: منعته النوم بالليل, فشفعني فيه, قال: فيشفعان
"The practice of fasting and reciting the Qur'an will give intercession for a servant on the Day of Resurrection. Fasting says: O Rabb, I have kept him from eating and lust during the day, so allow me to intercede for him. And the Qur'an says: I keep him from sleeping at night, then allow me to intercede him, then both are allowed to give intercession. "[HR. Ahmad, Shahih At-Targhib: 1429]
In another narration, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
اقرءوا القرآن فإنه يأتى يوم القيامة شفيعا لأصحابه
Be diligent in reciting the Qur'an, for he will be interceded for his memorizers on the Day of Resurrection. [HR. Muslim 1910]
Should we really hope syafa'at especially in the month of Ramadan is a month of fasting and reading the Koran.
What is Syafa'at?
The scholars define syafa'at:
فالشفاعة هي التوسط للغير في جلب المنفعة أو دفع المضرة
"Syafa'at is a mediator / wasilah for others to bring benefits and prevent danger / madharat."
This syafa'at can be either syafa'at in the world or syafa'at in the afterlife (akhirat). Syafa'at in the world can be good syafa'at dam bad while syafa'at in the afterlife is a good syafa'at
Allah says,
من يشفع شفاعة حسنة يكن له نصيب منها ومن يشفع شفاعة سيئة يكن له كفل منها
"Whoever gives good intercession, surely he will get a share (reward) from him. And whoever gives a bad syafa'at, surely he will bear the (sin) part of it. "(An-Nisaa ': 85)
The meaning of the hadith that we convey at the beginning of writing about the intercession by fasting and Al-Quran is intercession in the afterlife. At that time, humans desperately need syafa'at with the permission of Allah because of human misery on the Day of Resurrection, such as:
1. The sun is close to humans for a mile
2. Humans are drowned in sweat
3. Man is being dragged and walking with his face
4. The incident in the mahsyar field is very long, where one day in the hereafter is equal to 1000 years on earth.
We cite one of the propositions on this matter. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
إنكم تحشرون رجالا وركبانا وتجرون على وجوهكم
"Surely you will be collected (to Padang Mahsyar) in walking circumstances, and (some are) driving, and (some are) dragged over your faces." (Tirmidhi, Shahih at-Targhib wat-Tarhib no 3582).
We really need syafa'at on the Day of Judgment including those who can give intercession is fasting and Al-Quran as in hadith.
It should be emphasized that this syafa'at belongs only to God
Allah says,
قل لله ٱلشفعة جميعا
"Say all intercession belongs only to God." (Az-Zumar: 44)
Fasting and Al-Quran and other creatures that can give intercession as in the argument does not have true intercession, but given permission by God to provide intercession. Therefore, we may only ask syafa'at only to Allah alone. Can not ask the creature. Such as NO words that should NOT:
"O Prophet, I ask for your syafa'at"
But say:
"O Allah, I beg your Prophet's syafa'at"
God speaks
من ذا ٱلذي يشفع عنده إلا بإذنه
"There is nothing that intercedes with Allah except by His permission." (Al-Baqarah: 255)
May we be among those who are lucky to get syafa'at and can give intercession to others.
Billahi Fii Sabilil Haq Fastabiqul Khairat