In order to be more serious in praying Dua
In order to be more serious, pray
Bismillah was shalatu was salam 'ala Rasulillah, wa ba'du,
From Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ' anhu, the Prophet ﷺ said,
لَيْسَ شَيْءٌ أَكْرَمَ عَلَى اللهِ مِنَ الدُّعَاءِ
There is nothing more glorious in the sight of Allah than dua (pray).
(Narrated by Ahmad 8748, Turmudzi 3696).
Prayer is one of the most noble of worship. Because praying is proof that we are weak beings who are in need of Allah the Most Rich. On the contrary, people who are reluctant to pray, Allah calls them arrogant humans. Allah says,
إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَسْتَكْبِرُونَ عَنْ عِبَادَتِي سَيَدْخُلُونَ جَهَنَّمَ دَاخِرِينَ
And your Lord says, "Call upon Me; I will respond to you." Indeed, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell [rendered] contemptible.
What is meant by 'disdain My worship' in the above verse is 'do not want to pray.'
When the servant feels inferior to Allah, acknowledging how powerful His God is, that is when he will get closer to Allah. so prayer gives a tremendous influence to open the door of goodness to servants.
Syaikhul Islam once advised Abul Qasim al-Maghribi,
الدعاء مفتاح كل خير
"Prayer is the key to every good."
(Majmu 'al-Fatawa, 10/661)
God promises pledge for those who pray and rely on Him.
Allah says,
وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ادْعُونِي أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ
And your Lord says, "Call upon Me; I will respond to you."
Amir al-mu'minin, Umar bin Khatab once said,
إِنّي لَا أَحمِل هَمَّ الإِجَابَة وَإنمَا أَحمِل هَمّ الدُّعَاء ، فَإذَا أُلهِمتُ الدُّعاء فَإنَّ الإِجَابة مَعَه
"My motivation is not ijabah (pray respond), but my motivation is prayer. If I have been facilitated to pray, the ijabah will certainly follow. "
(Iqtidha 'as-Shirat al-Mustaqim, 2/229).
That is, what is more important is how we pray more, and try to fulfill every condition of prayer, such as: submitting a lot (khudhu) to Allah, tawadhu ', repenting a lot of sins, and other adab. If the prayer has fulfilled every provision, it will be easier to be judged by God.
A tabiin cleric, Mutharrif bin Sikhhir said,
في يد الله عز واجد علذ من تادر على ما تادر علد ما فا راها انت في يد الله عز و جل الا أن تسأله فيعطيك فاذا جماع الخير الدعاء
I tried to imagine what a collection of goodness, it turns out that goodness is plenty, fasting, prayer, and everything is in the hands of Allah. And you will not be able to get what is in the hands of God, except by asking Him, then God gave it to you. In conclusion, the key to all good is prayer.
(az-Zuhd, Imam Ahmad, p. 241)
All Definite Prayers Granted
From Abu Said al-Khudri radhiyallahu 'anhu , the Prophet ﷺ said,
"ما من مسلم يدعو بدعوة ليس فيها إثم, ولا قطيعة رحم, إلا أعطاه الله بها إحدى ثلاث: إما أن تعجل له دعوته, وإما أن يدخرها له في الآخرة, وإما أن يصرف عنه من السوء مثلها" قالوا: إذا نكثر, قال: " اللهُ أَكْثَرُ "
God can immediately grant prayer (in the world), or God save the prayer for him in the hereafter, or Allah protects him from the bad things like what he asks for. "
Sahabah say, 'If so, we will multiply prayer.' The Prophet, replied, "Allah is more in granting prayers."
(Narrated by Ahmad 11133 and is treated by Syuaib al-Arnauth)
Ibn Abdil Bar explained about this hadith,
وفيه دليل على أنه لا بد من الإجابة على إحدى هذه الأوجه الثلاثة
This hadith is a proposition that every prayer must be granted, with the three choices above.
(at-Tamhid, 10/297)
May motivate ...