As the title of the paper sugests, Dr. Zeenath Kausar has attempted to present the Islamic perspective on Sexuality, reproduction and family system.
Family values play an important role from the Islamic point of view. Islam seeks to create durable bases for relationship within the family, which is the building block of a society. When each of these blocks is firmly placed, the social structure of the society on a strong foundation. Where the cohesive bond diluted, the society begins to tumble.
The Western society presents a glaring example of this phenomenon. The growing number of single-parent families in the wake of rampant divorces has created a situation in which uninhibited sex has culminated in the outbreak of AIDs and other sexually transmitted diseases.
An important factor for the breakdown of marriages In the West is the fact that marital relations in Western societies are governed by material considerations, such as wealth, beauty or fame. These are ephemeral values doomed to self-erosion In the course of time. When that happens, the fragile relationship swerved and the
marriage ends In divorce.
By contrast, marital ties in the Muslim society are on firmer ground. Families seeking alliances also look for partners with a moral character, among other things. Thus if the married life of a couple becomes a bit bumpy, they still pull on for the sake of their children to whom they owe a religious obligation to bring up properly.
Let me conclude with these words of wisdom from Caliph Omar. Once a man sought his advice on divorcing his wife. When Caliph Omar asked him for the reason, the man replied: "I'm no more in love with her." Whereupon, Caliph Omar retorted: "Are families built upon love alone? What about inter-family relationship and the shared life with their children?"
Dr. Maneh H. Al-Johani
Secretary General
World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMŸ) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
1. Life an Integrated Whole:
Islam, which implies willing and complete submission to Allah (swt) is a complete way of all aspects of life including sexual, reproductive, marital and familial. It underlines two important points:
Firstly, Islam perceives life is integrated whole and for this reason, sexuality and reproduction are parts of the whole Islamic system of life, not outside it.
Secondly, Islam which is Divinely-ordained system of life possesses injunctions and regulations in its texts - the Qur'an and the Prophetic tradition for the regulation of sexuality, reproduction and all are related to these.
Islamic philosophy of Tawhid integrates all aspects of life. Tawhid implies unity of God, unity of the prophets, unity of life, unity of mankind, unity of the purpose of creation, unity of the knowledge, etc. The fundamental beliefs –
1) That there is no god but Allah (swt) and the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the last messenger of Allah (swt) for whole mankind;
2) That man's life in this world is temporary and he/she has to follow Allah's ordained way of life (Islam) in all aspects to be successful here and in Hereafter and;
3) That with Allah rests all the final judgements of rewards and punishments in the akhirah (life, hereafter) are all based on these unity, Tawhid. Hence, questions on 'sexuality' and 'reproduction’ area also anchored on the Tawhidic paradigm.
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