Leaving the immoral, Is It Rewarded?

Leaving the immoral, Is It Rewarded?

Repentance & Leaves Immoral

when will leaving immorality be worth the reward?

Leaving the Immoral
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Bismillah was shalatu was greetings' ala Rasulillah, wa ba'du,

There is a lot of backgrounds when people leave immorality. And as we understand it, the value a person gets from his deeds depends on his intentions.

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

إنما الأعمال بالنيات, وإنما لكل امرئ ما نوى

Charity depends on intention, and what is obtained by someone in accordance with his intentions
(Narrated by Bukhari 1 & Muslim 5036)

A person's condition when leaving immorality varies greatly, depending on his intentions. Here are some situations when someone leaves immorality,

First condition, Leave immoral because of fear of Allah

This charity is rewarding, even including charities that are of great value.

In the hadith from Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu 'anhu , the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said,

يقول الله إذا أراد عبدى أن يعمل سيئة فلا تكتبوها عليه حتى يعملها, فإن عملها فاكتبوها بمثلها وإن تركها من أجلى فاكتبوها له حسنة

Allah says (to angels), if my servant wants to sin, do not record it until he does it. If he does it, then note the value of his charity. But if he leaves it because of (fear of) me, record it as good deeds. 
(Narrated by Bukhari 7501).

And the proposition that this effort counts as a good deeds which has a great reward is a hadith about shade in mahsyar. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, there were 7 groups that would be shaded by Allah in the field of mahsyar, one of them,

ورجل دعته امرأة ذات منصب وجمال فقال إنى أخاف الله

The man who was invited to commit adultery with a beautiful woman who had a position, but he refused and said, "I am afraid of Allah." 
(Narrated by Bukhari 1423 & Muslim 2427).

Leaving Sin
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The second condition, leaving immorality because they want to seek attention from humans

They left immorality in the hope of being praised by the community.

This kind of action does not include deeds which are rewarding, it can even be sinful. Because leaving immorality included worship, and he was riya' (show off) in his worship.

Ibn Rajab said,

فأما إن هم بمعصية ثم ترك عملها خوفا من المخلوقين, أو مراءاة لهم, فقد قيل: إنه يعاقب على تركها بهذه النية; لأن تقديم خوف المخلوقين على خوف الله محرم, وكذلك قصد الرياء للمخلوقين محرم, فإذا اقترن به ترك المعصية لأجله عوقب على هذا الترك

If people want to be immoral, then he leaves because of fear of creatures or riya in the presence of beings, according to some scholars, 'He was punished for leaving immorality with this kind of intention. because it takes precedence over being afraid of beings rather than being afraid of Allah, the law is haram. Likewise, his desire to be riya' (show off) in front of beings is also haram. If leaving immoral is accompanied by this kind of intention then he is punished for the act of leaving this sin. 
(Jami 'al-Ulum wal Hikam, 2/321).

Another statement was conveyed by Ibnul Qoyim,

والثاني: كترك من يتركها لغير الله لا لله, فهذا يعاقب على تركه لغير الله كما يعاقب على فعله لغير الله, فإن ذلك الترك والامتناع فعل من أفعال القلب, فإذا عبد به غير الله استحق العقوبة

The second example, like a person who leaves immorality because apart from Allah, not because of Allah, this person is punished for leaving immorality for other than Allah as humans are punished for doing obedience to other than Allah. because leaving immorality including heart charity. And people who worship because of motivation other than Allah, he is entitled to punishment.
(Syifa al-Alil, p. 170).

The third condition, leaving immorality for maintaining dignity and honor.

There is no sin in this condition, it can even be rewarding if there is a goal that is loved by Allah. like leaving sinners for fear of the proselytizing dawah benefits.

Ibn al-Qoyim said,

فالفرق بين ترك يتقرب به إليهم ومرآتهم به, وترك يكون مصدره الحياء منهم وخوف أذاهم له وسقوطه من أعينهم, فهذا لا يعاقب عليه بل قد يثاب عليه إذا كان له فيه غرض يحبه الله, من حفظ مقام الدعوة إلى الله, وقبولهم منه ونحو ذلك

Unlike leaving sinners because they want to be close to humans and riya to them, leaving behind immorality because they are based on shame, and worry that their authority falls in the eyes of humans, these are not punished, and can even be rewarded, if there is a good cause that is loved by Allah , such as maintaining the authority of da'wah or for da'wah to be accepted by them or something. 
(Syifa al-Alil, p. 170)

The fourth condition, leaving immorality because there is no desire to do so

Leaving immorality with these conditions, there is no value of sin or reward, because there is no charity there. We do not commit adultery, do not kill, do not steal, do not drink khamr, because we do not think to do it.

Shaykhul Islam said,

وهذا الهام بالسيئة: فإما أن يتركها لخشية الله وخوفه أو يتركها لغير ذلك, فإن تركها لخشية الله كتبها الله له عنده حسنة كاملة, كما قد صرح به في الحديث, وكما قد جاء في الحديث الآخر: (اكتبوها له حسنة فإنما تركها من أجلي, أو الله: من جرائي) .وأما إن تركها لغير كلك: لم تكتب عليه سيئة, كما جاء في الحديث الآخر: (فإن لم يعملها لم تكتب عليه), وبهذا تتفق معاني الأحاديث

People who want to be sinful then leave, there are several possibilities. It could be that he left for fear of Allah or for other reasons. If he leaves it for fear of Allah, then Allah will record it as a perfect charity. As stated in the hadith, "Record for him as good, because he left it because of my greatness." But if he leaves it because other than that, it is not recorded as immoral. As stated in the hadith, "If he does not do it, do not record it as a sin for him." So that all the meanings of the hadith can support each other. 
(Majmu 'al-Fatawa, 10/738).

Leaving immorality and sins
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The fifth condition, leaving immorality for failing or not having the facility to act.

For example, there are people who open a dirty image site, but can't do it because the data runs out. Or he says it, then it counts as sin.

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam once told about 4 types of humans, including,

"ورجل آتاه الله مالا ولم يؤته علما, فهو يخبط فيه ينفقه في غير حقه, ورجل لم يؤته الله مالا ولا علما, فهو يقول: لو كان لي مال مثل هذا, عملت فيه مثل الذي يعمل" قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : "فهما في الوزر سواء

Someone whom Allah gave wealth, but Allah did not give knowledge. He spent his property and he took out his property in a place that was not his right. "

Someone who does not give wealth and not knowledge. So he dreamed, "If I had a treasure like him (third group), surely I would do like that person."

then the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam gave a note,

"They both get the same sin."

(Narrated by Ahmad 18024, Ibn Majah 4228, and destroyed Syuaib al-Arnauth).

Thus, Allahu a’lam…

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