How Apostates Return to Islam
Bismillah was shalatu was greeting 'ala Rasulillah, wa ba'du,
In principle, the way to repent for all immoral acts is the same. Including major sins in the form of apostasy, out of Islam. The principle of repentance from the act of sin is regret (an-Nadm), begging forgiveness (Istighfar), and leaving the sin that has been done (al-Iqla '). And if the sin is related to the rights of others, then he is obliged to return the rights and ask for the willingness of those who are wronged.
While for sins that cause a person to leave Islam, he must return himself to Islam by chanting two sentences of shahada.
In Zadul Mustaqni 'stated,
وتوبة المرتدِّ - وكل كافر - إسلامُه ؛ بأن يشهد أن لا إله إلا الله ، وأن محمدًا رسول الله
The repentance of apostates - and all unbelievers - is to re-enter Islam, namely by expressing two sentences of shahada: Asyhadu an-laa ilaaha illallah wa anna Muhammad Rasulullah.
Then the author explains how to repent the apostate, if the apostasy is against one of the teachings of Islam, then repentance, in addition to promulgating the creed is promising that he has recognized the Shari'a.
The writer Zadul Mustaqni 'stated,
ومَن كفر بجحدِ فرضٍ ونحوه ، فتوبته مع الشهادتين إقراره بالمجحودِ به ، أو قول: أنا بريء من كلِّ دين يخالف دين الإسلام
Whoever disbelieves is caused by opposing one of the obligations in Islam or other rules, then his repentance besides reading the two sentences of the creed is to make a pledge (acknowledgment) to accept the Shari'a he is about. Or he stated, 'I am free from all teachings that are contrary to the teachings of Islam'. (Zadul Mustaqni ', al-Hajawi, p. 282)
Does it have to be a big shower (junub)?
After reciting the two sentences of the shahada, does the apostate who repents this must take a large bath?
Ulama disagree on this issue. There are some opinions that require large baths for infidels or apostates who return to Islam.
This opinion is argued with the hadith from Qais bin Ashim, he said,
أَتَيْتُ النَّبِىَّ -صلى الله عليه وسلم- أُرِيدُ الإِسْلاَمَ فَأَمَرَنِى أَنْ أَغْتَسِلَ بِمَاءٍ وَسِدْر
And the law of the order is wajib (mandatory).
Thus, Allahu a’lam.
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