Zakat Mal
Is there any for Qadha Zakat Mal?
If there are people who do not pay zakat for several years, what to do? If now he wants to repent, does his zakat obligations disappear?
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Bismillah was shalatu was salamu 'ala Rasulillah, wa ba'du,
The one who delayed the payment of zakat, he sinned. So obliged to repent.
Imam Ibn Uthaymeen was asked about the person who did not pay zakat for 4 years.
His answer,
هذا الشخص آثم في تأخير الزكاة; لأن الواجب على المرء أن يؤدي الزكاة فور وجوبها ولا يؤخرها; لأن الواجبات الأصل وجوب القيام بها فورا, وعلى هذا الشخص أن يتوب إلى الله عز وجل من هذه المعصية
This man is sinning for delaying zakat. Because one's obligation is to immediately pay zakat after the time comes and not delay it. Because at its origin, all obligations must be done immediately. Therefore, this person is obliged to repent to Allah from this immoral.
(Majmu 'Fatawa Ibnu Utsaimin, 18/211)
After repentance, does his zakat obligation fail?
In zakat worship, there are two elements:
[1] Worship God
[2] Fulfill the right of the poor and all who are entitled to receive it.
The rights of others cannot be denied until they are fulfilled.
Imam Ibn Uthaymeen was once asked,
There are people who do not pay zakat for 5 years because they have no concern with zakat. Now he repents. Has his zakat obligation fallen? If not yet fell, what to do?
Explanation of Imam Ibn Uthaymeen:
الزكاة عبادة لله عز وجل وحق للفقراء, فإذا منعها الإنسان كان منتهكا لحقين: حق الله, وحق الفقراء وغيرهم من أهل الزكاة, فإذا تاب بعد خمس سنوات - كما جاء في السؤال - سقط عنه حق الله عز وجل لأن الله تعالى
Zakat is worship of Allah and fulfills the right of the poor. When a person does not pay zakat, he violates 2 rights, the right of Allah and the right of the needy and all who are entitled to receive zakat. If he repents after 5 years - as the question asks - then his repentance aborts God's right, for God says,
وهو الذي يقبل التوبة عن عباده ويعفو عن السيئات
"And it is He who accepts repentance from his servants and pardons misdeeds, and He knows what you do."
Then Imam Ibn Uthaymeen said,
ويبقى الحق الثاني وهو حق المستحقين للزكاة من الفقراء وغيرهم, فيجب عليه تسليم الزكاة لهؤلاء وربما ينال ثواب الزكاة مع صحة التوبة; لأن فضل الله واسع
Furthermore, the remaining is the second right, namely the right of the recipients of zakat, the poor and others. So (he/she) still obliged to give zakat to them. And he may be rewarded for his lawful repentance. God's gifts are immense.
(Liqa'at Bab al-Maftuh, volume 12 - 494).
Thus, Allahu a'lam.
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Billahi Fii Sabilil Haq Fastabiqul Khairat
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