When should I pray tahajjud?

Can you pray tahajjud without sleeping?


Can you pray Tahajjud without having to sleep first? Because I am insomnia.

When should I pray tahajjud?

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Bismillah was shalatu was salamu 'ala rasulillah, amma ba'du,

First,  there are two general terms to refer to worship activities at night,

Qiyam Layl

The scholars assert, qiyam lail is more common than tahajjud. Because qiyaam layl includes all activities of worship in the night, either in the form of prayer, reciting the Qur'an, studying religious knowledge, or dhikr. As long as the obedience is done at night, so it takes time to rest, it can be called qiyaam lail. Both done before bedtime or after sleep.

In Maraqi Al-Falah stated,

معنى القيام أن يكون مشتغلا معظم الليل بطاعة, وقيل: ساعة منه, يقرأ القرآن أو يسمع الحديث أو يسبح أو يصلي على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The meaning of Qiyam lail is someone busy doing obedience on most of the night time. Some say, it may be a while at night. Either read the Qur'an, hear the hadith, do Tasbih (glorify), or recite the shalawat for the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam. 
(Al-Mausu'ah Al-Fiqhiyah Al-Kuwaitiyah, 34/117).

While tahajjud only special for worship in the form of prayer. While other worship, other than prayer, is not called tahajjud.

Second, whether to sleep first?

Scholars differ on the terms can be called tahajjud prayer, whether to sleep first or not.

1. Tahajud must sleep first (First opinion)

This is the opinion of Ar-Rafi'i - Syafii scholar -. In his book As-Syarhul Kabir, he asserted,

التهجد يقع على الصلاة بعد النوم, وأما الصلاة قبل النوم, فلا تسمى تهجدا

"Tahajjud term for prayer done after sleep. While the prayers are done before bed, not called tahajjud. "

Having stated the above statement, Ar-Rafi'i brought the narration from the katsir ibn Abbas from the companions of Al-Hajjaj ibn Amr radhiyallahu 'anhu,

يحسب أحدكم إذا قام من الليل يصلي حتى يصبح أنه قد تهجد, إنما التهجد الصلاة بعد رقده,

Among you think when performing prayers at night until dawn he felt tahajjud. Tahajjud is a prayer done after sleep, then pray after sleep. That is the prayer of the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam.

Ibn Hajar in Talkhis Al-Habir says,

The Sanad is hasan, in this sanad there is a narrator named Abu Shaleh, scribe Imam Al-Laits, and Abu Shaleh there is weakness. This hadith is also narrated by At-Thabrani, with sanad from Ibnu Lahai'ah. And this second history is corroborated with the history of the previous path.

2. Tahajud does NOT have to sleep first (Second Opinion)

Prayer tahajud is all sunnah prayer done after isya, both before bedtime and after sleep. 
(Hashiyah Ad-Dasuqi, 7/313).

Because tahajjud has meaning mujanabatul hajud (away from the bed). And all night prayers can be called tahajjud if done after waking or in time many people sleep.

This is based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,

أفشوا السلام, وأطعموا الطعام, وصلوا الأرحام, وصلوا الجنة بسلام

Spread salam (the greetings), give food,  silaturahim (connect with family), and do night prayer when people are sleeping, you will go to heaven safely. 
(Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and Syuaib al-Arnauth)

Abu Bakr Ibnul 'Arabi says,

في معنى التهجد ثلاثة أقوال (الأول) أنه النوم ثم الصلاة ثم النوم ثم الصلاة, (الثاني) أنه الصلاة بعد النوم, (والثالث) أنه بعد صلاة العشاء. ثم قال عن الأول: إنه من فهم التابعين الذين عولوا على أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان ينام ويصلي, وينام ويصلي. والأرجح عند المالكية الرأي الثاني

About the meaning of tahajjud there are 3 opinions: 
first, sleep and then pray and sleep again, then pray. 
Secondly, prayer after sleep. 
Third, tahajjud is prayer after isya. 
He commented on the first, that it was the understanding of the tabi'in scholar, who relied on the indifference that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam slept and prayed, then slept, then prayed. While the strongest opinion according to Malikiyah is second opinion. 
(from Al-Mausu'ah Al-Fiqhiyah, 14/86)


For those of you who feared not able to get up before dawn to pray tahajjud, it is recommended to pray before bed. Although not called tahajjud by some scholars, but he still counted doing qiyaam layl, the great reward.

May Allah give us strength to be istiqamah in obedience.

Amiin. Thus wallahu a'lam

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