Great Reward for Dua when Entering Market

The Secret of Dua when Entering Market

I've heard the prayers (dua) when entering market, mall, or crowded places. The Reward are huge, that is, a million mistakes are erased and a million good Deeds are recorded.Ares the Hadiths saheeh? Why is that?

Dua when Entering Market
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Bismillah was shalatu was salamu 'ala rasulillah, amma ba'du,

Hadith text:

From Umar bin Khatab radhiyallahu 'anhu , that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said,

من دخل سوقا من الأسواق, فقال: لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له, له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير, كتب الله له ألف ألف حسنة, ومحا عنه ألف ألف سيئة


" Whoever enters the market, then he reads:

لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له, له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير


Whoever reads the above dua (prayer) when entering the market, Allah will record for him a million goodness, and eradicate from him a million of badness Deed. "

Description of Hadith Status:

In the Lineage of al-Ahadits as-Sahihah, Imam al-Muhadits, al-Albani rahimahullah explains the status of this hadith,

This hadith is narrated by at-Thabrani in ad-Du'a (2/1167/793), from Ubaid bin Ghannam and al-Hadhrami, both from Ibn Abi Shyaibah, from Abu Khalid al-Ahmar, from al-Muhajir ibn Habib, from Salim bin Abdullah ibn Umar, from Ibn Umar, from Umar ibn Khatab radhiyallahu 'anhu , from the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam .

This hadith is also narrated by Abdullah bin Ahmad in Zawaid az-Zuhd (pp. 214), from Ibn Abi Shyaibah, with the same sanad as above. Only, no mention of Salim bin Abdullah bin Umar's name.

Then Imam al-Albani asserted,

ورجال إسناده ثقات غير المهاجر بن حبيب, وهو محرف, والصواب "مهاصر"

"The narrators in this hadith are all tsiqah, besides al-Muhajir ibn Habib, and there is a mistaking the name. True, Muhashir (ibn Habib). "
(Genealogy as-Shahihah, 7/381)

About Muhashir bin Habib

Muhashir bin Habib az-Zubaidi, brother of Dhamrah bin Habib az-Zubaidi from the area of Sham. Abu Hatim said, "No problem with him."

He is considered tsiqqah (trusted) by Ibn Hibban, al-Ajuli, and al-Haitsami. In his book at-Tsiqat (list of reliable narrators), Ibn Hibban mentions Muhashir's biography,

يروي عن جماعة من الصحابة, وعنه أهل الشام, مات سنة ثمان وعشرين ومئة

"He narrated from a group of Sahabah. And he convey the hadith to the people of Sham. Died 128 years H. 
(at-Tsiqat Ibn Hibban, 5/454, quoted from Silsilah as-Shahihah, 7/379).

Conclusion based on the above explanation, the hadith which mentions special Dua prayer advice when entering the market is Hasan hadith, so it can be accepted as a proposition.

The Meaning of Market Entry Dua

Text of Prayer:

لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له, له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير


(There is no god who is to be worshiped but Allah, the Almighty, there is no partner for Him and He is the Almighty over all things)

Secrets of Dhikr Entering Market

This dhikr is very light, but gives a very big reward value. Why is that? The answer is because this dhikr is read in the market. In reading where most people forget Allah, away from worship.

When man is in a state of forgetting Allah, there are among his servants who actually dhikr and remember the Creator. When all human beings are busy with the world and their trade, they become the ones who remember Allah. Many dhikr when in the mosque, or when in the middle of the dhikr majlis, is a common act. But dhikr in place generally people forget Allah, is a special practice.

Charity in Human Negligence

Habit of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, conducting the Jamaah isya Prayer early in the night. He routine it, so as not to incriminate His people. But one day the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam do the prayer isya until midnight. The friends faithfully waited for him in the mosque until midnight. Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam came and encouraged his companions,

ما ينتظرها أحد من أهل الأرض غيركم

"There is no one on earth waiting for the isha prayer, other than you.
(Narrated by Bukhari 566 and Muslim 638)

When explaining this Hadeeth, Ibn Rajab said,

وفي هذا إشارة إلى فضيلة التفرد بذكر الله في وقت من الأوقات لا يوجد فيه ذاكر له ولهذا ورد في فضل الذكر في الأسواق ما ورد من الحديث المرفوع والآثار الموقوفة حتى قال أبو صالح: إن الله ليضحك ممن يذكره في السوق وسبب ذلك أنه ذكر في موطن الغفلة بين أهل الغفلة

In this hadith, there is a description of the virtue of dhikr to Allah at times where no one is dhikr. Therefore, there is a great virtue for dhikr when entering the market, as mentioned in the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and the description of sahabah (Companions). Until Abu Sholeh said,

"Verily Allah laughs against those who dhikr when entering the market. The reason is this man dhikr in a neglectful place, in the midst of the neglectful people to Dhikr to Allah "
(Lathaif al-Ma'arif, pp. 131).

Later, al-Hafidz Ibn Rajab mentioned some virtues of dhikr in the neglect of society in remembrance of Allah, among them,

1. This dhikr will be more secret. While the Sunah charity/deeds is more secret, its value is greater. Therefore, dhikr in the crowd should be read slowly, without using Tasbih.

2. This charity/Deeds is more heavily to be done. Because most people will follow what the community or environment around it. And the heavier the charity/deeds is done, the greater the reward.

3. Dhikr in the negligence of society, the cause of Allah did not send the adzab to them. Ibn Rajab mentioned,

قال بعض السلف: المنهزمة ولولا من يذكر الله في غفلة الناس لهلك الناس

Some salaf scholars say, "Dhikr Remembering Allah in the midst of the one who forget Allah, is like one who protects a group of weak people. If it were not for the existence of a dhikr in the midst of human negligence, they would have perished "
(Lathaif al-Ma'arif, pp. 133).

The Amazing Story

Narrated by Abu Qilabah (104 H) - a tabiin scholar -,

التقى رجلان في السوق فقال أحدهما للآخر تعال نستغفر الله في غفلة الناس ففعل فمات أحدهما فلقيه الآخر في النوم فقال علمت أن الله غفر لنا عشية التقينا في السوق

There are two believers who meet in the market. Then one advises his friend, 'Let us ask forgiveness of Allah in the midst of human omission.' Both read a lot of istighfar. One time one of these people died. Suddenly a living met his friend in a dream. He said, 'Do you know that Allah forgives our sins in the evening when we meet in the market?' 
(At-Targhib wa at-Tarhib, no 2620)

Hopefully we are facilitated to always to dhikr routine at every opportunity.

Allahu a'lam

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