Fasting of the Month of Rajab
Lately, many people are fasting at the beginning of Rajab month. I want to ask, is there any guidance from the fasting Rasulullah only at the beginning of Rajab month or just a few days in Rajab?
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Bismillah was shalatu was salamu 'ala rasulillah, amma ba'du,
There is no special deed regarding the month of Rajab, either in the form of prayer, fasting, zakat, or umrah. The majority of scholars explain that the hadith which mentions the practice in Rajab month is a hadith dhaif and is rejected.
Ibn Hajar said,
لم يرد في فضل شهر رجب ، ولا في صيامه ، ولا في صيام شيء منه معين ، ولا في قيام ليلة مخصوصة فيه حديث صحيح يصلح للحجة ، وقد سبقني إلى الجزم بذلك الإمام أبو إسماعيل الهروي الحافظ
"There is no valid narrative that deserves to be a proof of the virtue of Rajab, nor is it a glorious history of fasting Rajab, or fasting on certain dates of Rajab, or tahajjud prayer on certain nights of the Rajab month. My statement has been preceded by the information of Imam Al-Hafidz Abu Ismail Al-Harawi. "
(Tabyinul Ajab bi Ma Warada fi Fadli Rajab, p.6)
The same information was also conveyed by Imam Ibn Rajab. In his work that explores the deeds throughout the year, entitled Lathaiful Ma'arif, he insists there is no special sunnah prayer for the month of Rajab,
لم يصح في شهر رجب صلاة مخصوصة تختص به و الأحاديث المروية في فضل صلاة الرغائب في أول ليلة جمعة من شهر رجب كذب و باطل لا تصح و هذه الصلاة بدعة عند جمهور العلماء
"There is no valid argument (Saheeh hadith) about the suggestion of certain prayers in Rajab. As for the hadith which mentions the virtue of the Raghaib prayer on the first Friday of Rajab's month is the hadith of lying, vanity, and invalidity. The Raghaib prayer is a bid'ah, according to the majority of scholars. "
(Lathaiful Ma'arif, pp. 213)
Related to the issue of fasting in Rajab, Imam Ibnu Rajab also affirmed,
لم يصح في فضل صوم رجب بخصوصه شيء عن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم و لا عن أصحابه و لكن روي عن أبي قلابة قال: في الجنة قصر لصوام رجب قال البيهقي: أبو قلابة من كبار التابعين لا يقول مثله إلا عن بلاغ و إنما ورد في صيام الأشهر الحرم كلها
"None of the Saheeh hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam concerns the virtue of Rajab in particular. There is only a narration from Abu Qilabah, that he says, 'In heaven, there is a palace for one who diligently fasts in Rajab.' However, this narration is not a hadith. Imam Al-Baihaqi commented on Abu Qilabah's account, 'Abu Qilabah is a senior tabi'in. He did not deliver the narration, but only word without sanad. ' The existing history is a history which mentions the fasting of the whole month of the haram "
(Lathaiful Ma'arif, pp. 213)
Ibn Rajab's remarks that advocate fasting in the haram month, are shown in the hadith of Mujibah Al-Bahiliyah from his father or his uncle, Al-Bahily. Al-Bahily's friend came to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, after meeting and declaring in Islam, he then returned home. One year later, he came again to see the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
"O Messenger of Allah, do you still know me." Ask Kahmas,
"Who are you?" Asked the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
"I'm Al-Bahily, who used to come to see you a year ago." Answer friend
"What happened to you, when you used to be fresh?" Asked the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
"I never eat, except at night, since I left from you." Answer sahabah
Realizing the spirit of this friend to fast, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam advise,
لم عذبت نفسك, صم شهر الصبر, ويوما من كل شهر
Why do you torture yourself. Fast in the month of Sabar (Ramadhan), and fasting a day every month.
But Al-Bahily always ask for extra sunnah fasting,
"fasting a day every month." This man said,
"I am still strong. Add it! "" Two days each month. "This person says," I am still strong. Add it! "" Three days every month. "This person is still asking to be added. Until finally the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam give the sentence,
صم من الحرم واترك, صم من الحرم واترك, صم من الحرم واترك
"Fast in the month of haraam, then do not fast (except ramadhan) ..., Fast in the month of haram, then do not fast ..., Fast in the month of haram, then do not fast"
(HR Ahmad, Abu Daud, Al-Bayhaqi and others. This Hadith is considered valid by some scholars and judged dhaif by other scholars).
The forbidden (haram) month means the glorious month. Allah glorifies this month with a belligerent ban. Haram month, there are four: Dhu al-Qa'dah, Dhu al-Hijjah, Muharram, and Rajab.
Fasting on the Month of the Haram
The Hadith Mujibah Al-Bahiliyah recounts the intention to fast in all Haram months, as Ibn Rajab affirmed. Even this fasting suggestion as the last choice when one wants to multiply the fast of sunna, as suggested by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam to the Sahabah of Al-Bahily. Therefore, it is too far when this hadith is the proposition of fasting in the month of rajab in particular, while for other Haram months, less attention. Due to the practice of some scholars, they fasted throughout the whole of haraam, not just the Rajab month. As stated by Ibn Rajab,
قد كان بعض السلف يصوم الأشهر الحرم كلها منهم ابن عمر و الحسن البصري العربية
Some salaf scholars do fasting in all Haram months, among them: Ibn Umar, Hasan Al-Basri, and Abu Ishaq As-Subai'i. Imam Ats-Tsauri says, "Haram months, the more I love to be fasting time."
(Lathaiful Ma'arif, pp. 213).
The Companions forbid Specializing the Rajab for Fasting
The custom of Rajab fasting has existed in the time of Umar Radhi Allahu 'anhu. Some of the tabiins that lived in the days of Umar have even done it. Thus, we can refer to the attitude of Sahabah to the phenomena related to the activities of the Rajab month they encounter.
Here are some reports that mention their reaction to fasting Rajab . We take this story from the book Lathaiful Ma'arif, a special book by Ibn Rajab, which discusses wadzifah (sunnah Deeds) of all time (Year),
روي عن عمر رضي الله عنه: أنه كان يضرب أكف الرجال في صوم رجب حتى يضعوها في الطعام و يقول: ما رجب? إن رجبا كان يعظمه أهل الجاهلية فلما كان الإسلام ترك
It is narrated from Umar bin Khatab radhiyallahu ' anhu, that he struck the palms of some of the men who fasted rajab, until they placed their hands on food. Umar said, "What is rajab? Actually rajab is the month that once glorified Jahiliyah society. After Islam came, abandoned. "
In another history,
كره أن يكون صيامه سنة
"He hates when fasting rajab made sunna (habit)."
(Lathaif Al-Ma'arif, 215).
In another narration, about sahabah Abu Bakrah radhiyallahu 'anhu,
أنه رأى أهله قد اشتروا كيزانا للماء واستعدوا للصوم فقال: ما هذا? فقالوا: رجب. فقال: أتريدون أن تشبهوه برمضان? وكسر تلك الكيزان
He saw his family had bought a vessel for a water container, which they prepared for fasting. Abu Bakrah asked: 'What is this fast?' They replied: 'Fasting rajab' Abu Bakrah replied, 'Do you want to equate rajab with ramadan?' then he broke the vessels.
(This story is mentioned by Ibn Qudamah in Al-Mughni 3/107, Ibn Rajab in Lathaif, 215, Shaykh Islam in Majmu 'Fatawa 25/291, and Al-Hafidz ibn Hajar in Tabyi Al-Ajab, p.35)
Ibn Rajab also mentions some other narrations from some other companions, such as Ibn Umar and Ibn Abbas, that they hate someone who performs a month's fasting rajab.
Their attitude indicates that they understand the rajab month is not the recommended month for special fasting time. Because the habit is very possible, they did not experience in the time of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
In conclusion from the above information,
There is no proposition that mentions the virtue of fasting rajab or sunnah special prayer in the month of rajab.
Some Sahabah forbid people to specialize their special fasts in the month of the rajab or to fast for a whole month during the month of the rajab.
The point which mentions the special virtue of the person performing the rajab fasting is the dhaif hadith, and can not be a proposition.
For people who are diligent fasting, allowed to multiply the fast in the month of Haram. As stated in Al-Bahily hadith. However, this tradition is generally applicable to all the fasting months of the haram, not just Rajab.
Allahu a'lam
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