How to have Fiqh expertise?

How to Have Fiqh Skills

QuestionHow to get fiqh expertise?
Fiqh Expertise
Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem


Bismillah was shalatu was greetings' ala Rasulillah, wa ba'du,

Allah Ta'ala sent down the Arabic Quran. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam delivered the hadith in Arabic. The Companions explained the interpretation of the Qur'an and the hadith also using Arabic. The next generation of scholars, they wrote various works for all disciplines, also spoke Arabic. That is, two sources of Shari'a in Islam, both in Arabic, and in Arabic. Arabic is the language of communication for all disciplines in Islam.

And there are still thousands or even millions of Islamic literature in the universe that have not been translated from the original language, Arabic. And it's impossible to translate it, so much. Even most, cannot be translated, because it is not the consumption of those who do not understand Arabic.

It is true what Imam as-Shafi'i stated, whoever masters the Arabic language correctly, he will be facilitated to reap the other Shari'a sciences. He said,

من تبَحَرَّ فى النحو اهتدى إلى كل العلوم

"Who master nahwu, he is facilitated to get all the knowledge."

He also said,

لا أُسأَلُ عن مسألةٍ من مسائل الفقهِ إلا أجَبْتُ عنها من قواعدِ النحو

"Every time I am asked about a matter of fiqh, then surely I will answer by involving the rules of nahwu."

Fiqh Expert
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How to understand fiqh?

The Fiqh that we want is the correct understanding of the argument, so that it can be practiced. And not everyone who memorizes the argument, he understands the argument. Not everyone who memorizes the Quran or thousands of hadiths, he becomes a faqih for what he memorizes. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam once reminded,

رُبَّ حَامِلِ فِقْهٍ لَيْسَ بِفَقِيهٍ ، وَرُبَّ حَامِلِ فِقْهٍ إِلَى مَنْ هُوَ أَفْقَهُ مِنْهُ

How many people carry the argument, he does not understand the argument. And how many people carry the argument, he delivered it to people who are more understanding of the argument. 
(Narrated by Ahmad in al-Musnad, 21590 
and dishonored by Syuaib al-Arnauth).

The "A" memorizes the Koran more than the Hadith compared to the "B". It could be that when "A" sends the hadith to "B", the "B" understands the content more than the "A".

Among the examples of this incident, as narrated by Ibn Abdil Bar, that Abu Yusuf - a senior disciple of Abu Hanifah - was once questioned by Imam al-A'masy (a scholar who had many memorized hadith/traditions). Then Abu Yusuf gave the answer to that question.

Imam al-A'masy was curious, 'How can you say that?' asked al-A'masy

'From the hadith, you conveyed to me,' answered Abu Yusuf.

Hearing that, al-A'masy commented,

"O Abu Yusuf, really I memorized this hadith before your parents married. and I have never known the meaning except now. "
(Jami 'Bayan al-Ilmi, 2/31).

Fiqh ability comes from two reasons

[1] Grants from Allah to some of His servants

Among the people who get this kind of grant is Imam as-Shafi'i. When he came to the assembly of Imam Malik and began studying with him, Imam Malik told Shafi'i,

إني أرى الله تعالى قد ألقى على قلبك نورا ، فلا تطفئه بظلمة المعصية

I see, Allah has pinned light in your heart, therefore, do not be put out by immorality darkness. 
(al-Reply al-Kafi, p. 34)

And this is what As-Shan'ani calls a gift from Allah. He said,

الاجتهاد موهبة من الله يهبه لمن يشاء من العباد فما كل من أحرز الفنون أجرى من قواعدها العيون ولا كل من عرف القواعد استحضرها عند ورود الحادثة التي يفتقر إلى تطبيقها على الأدلة والشواهد

The ability to practice jihad is a gift from Allah. Allah gave it to anyone among His servants whom He wanted. Not everyone who memorizes various branches of science, he can apply the rules in certain cases. And not everyone who knows the rules, he can use when there are events that require the rule in the application of the argument. 
(Irsyad an-Naqad ila Taisir al-Ijtihad, p. 130).

So the key to being able to get this grant is to feel the need for the One who owns it and always pray that we can be facilitated to get the benefits.

Better At Fiqh
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[2] By learning and practicing

That is with the guidance of a knowledgeable person, and read their literature a lot. with this, a religious science student will be accustomed to seeing the way the cleric understands the argument, so that he can imitate his method.

Thus, Allahu a’lam.

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