Be Arrogant to Arrogant People

Be Arrogant to Arrogant People

Question :

Is it true that being arrogant in front of an arrogant person is alms? If it's true, what does that mean?

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Bismillah was shalatu was salam' ala Rasulillah, wa ba'du,

The famous expression states,

التكبر على المتكبر حسنة وفي لفظ صدقة

Being takabur (arrogant) to those who are takabur (arrogant) is goodness.

In another lafadz,

takabur to those who are takabur (arrogant) is alms ...

Al-Ajluni emphasized in Kasyful Khafa (1/360) that this sentence was not the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, but the words of ordinary people. Although the word ar-Razi, the meaning for that sentences acceptable.

The Meaning Being Arrogant to arrogant ones

Furthermore, if that word is true, then what is the meaning of being arrogant to an arrogant person (?)...

Muhammad al-Khadimi - hanafiyah cleric - once explained the meaning of these words,

التكبر على المتكبر صدقة ، لأنه إذا تواضعت له تمادى في ضلاله وإذا تكبرت عليه تنبه ، ومن هنا قال الشافعي تكبر على المتكبر مرتين

Be arrogant to those who are arrogant is alms. Because if we tawadhu' (humble) for him, then he will be increasingly immersed in his error. But if we against to his pride, he will feel reminded. For this reason, Imam as-Syafii said, "Be arrogant 2 times for arrogant people."

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Then he quoted some scholars,

وقال الزهري التجبر على أبناء الدنيا أوثق عرى الإسلام ... وقيل قد يكون التكبر لتنبيه المتكبر لا لرفعة النفس فيكون محمودا كالتكبر على الجهلاء والأغنياء, قال يحيى بن معاذ: التكبر على من تكبر عليك بماله تواضع

Az-Zuhri said, arrogant in front of lovers of the world, including the most powerful Islamic ties ... Some say, sometimes takabur (arrogant) to remind people who are takabur (arrogant), not to flatter himself, so that this is a noble, praiseworthy, like takabur (arrogant) to a fool (arrogant with his stupidity) or a rich person (who is arrogant with his wealth). Yahya bin Muadz said, "takabur to those who are takabur (arrogant) with their wealth in front of you is a form of tawadhu' (humble)". 
(Bariqah Mahmudiyah, 2/186).

Allahu a’lam.

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