Differences Qadha and Qadar

Differences Qadha and Qadar

Differences between Qadha and Qadar

What's the difference between qadha and qadar? because many people are still confused ...


Bismillah was shalatu was salamu 'ala Rasulillah, wa ba'du,

Part of the six pillars of faith is faith in taqdir.

When the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam asked by Gabriel about faith, he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam replied,

أَنْ تُؤْمِنَ بِاللهِ وَمَلاَئِكَتِهِ وَكُتُبِهِ وَرُسُلِهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الآخِرِ وَتُؤْمِنَ بِالْقَدَرِ خَيْرِهِ وَشَرِّهِ

You have faith (Believe / Iman) in Allah, His angels, His books (Kitab), His Prophets and the Last Day, and you believe in good and bad qadar. 

In the above hadith, Allah's provision is called qadar. Meanwhile, it is sometimes mentioned in the verse using the term qadha '. Like the word of Allah,

وكان أمرا مقضيا...

"He said, "Thus [it will be]; your Lord says, 'It is easy for Me, and We will make him a sign to the people and a mercy from Us. And it is a matter [already] decreed.' " 

Qadha and Qadar
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Then what is different qadha with qadar?

Scholars differ in this regard,

First, some scholars argue, qadha is a synonym of qadar. So the word qadha and qadar mean the same.

And this is in line with the explanations of some linguists, they interpret qadar with qadha.

In al-Qamus al-Muhith (pp. 591) it is stated,

القدر: القضاء والحكم

Qadar is qadha and law.

Among the scholars who think so is Imam Ibn Baz - rahimahullah-. He was asked about the difference between qadha and qadar.

His answer,

القضاء والقدر, هو شيء واحد, الشيء الذي قضاه الله سابقا, وقدره سابقا, يقال لهذا القضاء, ويقال له القدر

Qadha and qadar are two words that mean the same. That is something that Allah has qadha'ed (fixed) first, and which Allah has predestined. Can be called qadha, can be called taqdir. 
( http://www.binbaz.org.sa/noor/1480 )

Second, the second opinion, qadha and qadar means different. Furthermore, they differ on the limitations.

[1] Qadha earlier than qadar. Qadha is Allah's determination in the Azali age of the day. While qadar is Allah's determination for whatever is going on.

Al-Hafidz Ibn Hajar said,

القضاء هو الحكم الكلي الإجمالي في الأزل, والقدر جزئيات ذلك الحكم وتفاصيله

The scholars say, al-qadha is the overall global determination in the age of azali. While qadar is the parts and details of that global provisions. 
(Fathul Bari, 11/477)

Al-Jurjani in at-Ta'rifat (p.174) states,

والفرق بين القدر والقضاء: هو أن القضاء وجود المحفوظ مجتمعة, والقدر وجودها متفرقة في الأعيان بعد حصول شرائطها

The difference between qadar and qadha, that qadha form the determination of the existence of all beings written in al-Lauh al-Mahfudz globally. While qadar is the determination of a certain creature, after fulfilled the conditions.

[2] Contrary to previous opinion, qadar is ahead before qadha. Qadar is the ordinance of Allah in the age of azali. While qadha is the creation of Allah for whatever is currently happening.

Ar-Raghib al-Asfahani in al-Mufradat (p.675) states,

والقضاء من الله تعالى أخص التقدير, فالقدر هو التقدير, والقضاء هو الفصل والقطع

Allah's Qadha is more Detail than qadar. Because qadha is the determination between taqdir (provision). Qadar is taqdir, while qadha is a decision.

The illustration,

There are 100 provisions - the form of a consequential relationship,

If A then B, if C then D, if E then F, and so on. these are all provisions.

Then when is this decision decided? The decision is decided later, in the form of an event.

According to this opinion, the provision is qadar, while the decision is qadha.

Whatever it is, understanding this distinction is not the ultimate goal of faith of iman to qadha and qadar, other than just understanding its limitations.

Shaykh Abdurrahman al-Mahmud said,

لا فائدة من هذا الخلاف; لأنه قد وقع الاتفاق على الآخر ... فلا مشاحة من تعريف أحدهما بما يدل عليه الآخر

There is not much benefit in studying this distinction, as all agree with the limits, although they differ in the mention of their names ... so there is no need to debate the definition ... 
(al-Qadha wal Qadar fi Dhau 'al-Kitab wa as-Sunah, p. )

His point, to be called qadha and qadar, is essentially the same, that is the decree of Allah.


Allahu a'lam.

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