Witr Prayer Three Raka'ah and One Salam? | How to Witr Pray Salah

Witr Prayer Three Raka'ah and One Salam, May it be?


Is it permissible to do the three rak'ah Witr prayers at once with one greeting (salam)?

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It is not a matter of doing the three rak'ah Witr prayers at once with one greeting, without sitting tahiyyat or Tashahhud (early) and salam in the last rakat. However, the more afdhal (more important) and better is to do the witr prayer with two raka'at first separately then greetings, then added one raka'ah again so that there are three rakat. This is what is more afdhal. However, if someone does the three-rak'ah prayer at once with one Tahiyat or Tashahhud, then that is also permissible.

Source: Shaykh Sholih Al Fauzan hafizhahullah , Al Muntaqo min Fatawa Al Fauzan no. 117, 49/43

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