The Law Pull Out The White Hair Or Polishes It

The Law Pull out the Gray hair Or Polishes it


Assalamu 'alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh.

Based on the following hadith,

غيروا هذا الشيب و اجتنبوا الأسود

" Remove your gray hair and avoid changing it with black, "

1. Does the above hadith indicate sunnah to remove gray hair?

2. How does it relate to the narrative that says, "Do not pull your gray hair off because it will be the light of the afterlife."

3. Does the hair polishing command other than black apply only during the war? In order to look dashing?

Jazakallah khairan katsiran (may Allah reward you with a lot of goodness). 

The Law Pull Out The White Gray Hair Or Polishes It
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Wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullah wabarakatuh.

1. In the question presented, there is a mistake in translating the mentioned hadith,

غيروا هذا الشيب و اجتنبوا الأسود

" Remove your gray hair and avoid changing it in black ."

The truth, not "remove", but " change your gray .. .." The point is: change the color of gray.

Thus, the above hadith does NOT indicate the recommendation to remove the gray hair, so the hadith is not contradictory to the hadith which suggests that it does NOT pull out the gray hairs.

2. Does the hair shining command other than black apply only during the war? In order to look dashing?

The truth, the reason the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ordered to change the color of gray is for Muslims to be different with Jews and Christians, because they do not want to change the color of gray. This is based on Bukhari hadith,

إن اليهود والنصارى لا يصبغون فخالفوهم

" Indeed, the Jews and Christians do not change the color of their gray hair, so put them apart (by changing the color of gray )."

As for the reasons for illicit coloring gray with black, the scholars have several different opinions, because there is no information about the reason. The right attitude is to obey this command as it is, without questioning why.

Allahu a’lam.

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