Prophet Daniel | Prophets Children of Israel

Prophet Daniel | Buried Prophet Daniel to Hide and Prevent Shirk

One of the Prophets who was sent to the Children of Israel was the prophet Daniel. [1] Daniel's body was discovered by Abu Musa Al-Ash'ariy's companions when fighting against the Tartars in Hurmuzan. The body of the prophet Daniel is found in the hamlet of Hurmuzan, and the inhabitants of Hurmuzan explain that the body had died 300 years ago, but the body is still intact and not decomposing in the slightest. Then Abu Musa Al-Ash'ariy sent a letter to Umar bin Khattab as Caliph at that time. Umar bin Khattab explains that it is the body of the prophet Daniel and commanded to HID (Hide) his grave.

Prophet Daniel
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Narrated by Ms. Abi Syaibah with from Anas's best friend,

عن أنس: أنهم لما فتحوا تستر قال: "فوجد رجلا أنفه ذراع في التابوت, كانوا يستظهرون ويستمطرون به, فكتب أبو موسى إلى عمر بن الخطاب بذلك, فكتب عمر: إن هذا نبي من الأنبياء والنار لا تأكل الأنبياء , والأرض لا تأكل الأنبياء, فكتب أن انظر أنت وأصحابك يعني أصحاب أبي موسى فادفنوه في مكان لا يعلمه أحد غيركما قال: فذهبت أنا وأبو موسى فد ناه

"When they (Abu Musa Al-Ashriyy) opened the closed, they found the body of a man whose nose is long. Hurmuzan's inhabitants (ask for help) and ask for rain with the intermediary of the body. Abu Musa immediately wrote a letter to Umar bin Khattab. Umar replied to the letter: 'Verily this (the body) is a prophet among the prophets. Fire will not burn the bodies of the Prophets and the earth will not destroy it. Let you and one of your friends bury it in a place where no one knows it but you two '. Then Abu Musa and I went to bury him. "[2]

How to hide his grave by the way the Companions multiply 13 grave holes in the river (water temporarily dammed) and then bury it in one of the holes at night so no one knows where his grave.

Narrated Al-Baihaqy in Dala-ilun Nubuwwah, "From Khalid bin Dinar from Abu 'Aliyah,

فقلت لأبي العالية: ما كان فيه? فقال: "سيرتكم, وأموركم, ودينكم, ولحون كلامكم, وما هو كائن بعد" قلت: فما صنعتم بالرجل? قال: "حفرنا بالنهار ثلاثة عشر قبرا متفرقة, فلما كان في الليل دفناه وسوينا القبور كلها, لنعميه على الناس لا ينبشونه

"I said to Abu Aliyah, 'What do you do to the body of the prophet?'. Abu 'Aliyah said, we dug in the river (water temporarily dammed) as many as 13 separate grave holes. At night, we buried it and we flattened all the graves so that people would not know and not dig it back. "[3]

The historian Ibn Kathir also explains that the body is the prophet Daniel because it can be estimated from the time of his death and the news of his lifetime.

المطابق لما في نفس الأمر

"The time is close to the life of the prophet Daniel. If the prophet Daniel mala is in accordance with his case (the dies time and the time found his body). "[4]

Similarly Shaykh Ibn Taymiyya explained that Umar ibn al-Khattab wrote to Abu Musa and Umar said,

إذا كان بالنهار فاحفر ثلاثة عشر قبرا, ثم ادفنه بالليل في واحد منها, وعفر قبره, لئلا يفتتن به الناس

"During the day, dig up 13 graves, then bury it at night in one of the holes, hide the grave so as not to be slandered (worshiped and saved) by man." [5]

From this story contains some Wisdom:

1.The strength of tawhid in the companions and they are very worried humans fall in the shirk which is the biggest sin and the most prohibited in religion. 

2. One source of Shirk is ghuluw (exaggeration) to the prophet and the righteous so that ultimately deified, sacred and even considered god. 

3. The Companions have understood that the first history of the earthly Shirk was at the time of Noah (Nuh/Nooh). Their statue is Statue of the righteous before they. then they worshiped that statue. 

4. The Companions are well aware that many tombs of the Prophets are worshiped and cultured by men so that they prevent them.

5. The grave is not a place of worship. Ziyarah grave the sunnah law with the purpose of remembering death and praying for the dead.

So hopefully useful


[1] Many take the faidah from:

[2] HR. Ibn Abi Syaibah (4/7) with sanad shahih

[3] Al-Baihaqy in Dala-ilun Nubuwwah (1/381)

[4] Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah 2/40

[5] Majmu 'Fatawa 15/154

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