What is the Meaning of Masha Allah?

What is the Meaning of MasyaAllah?

Of course we Muslim very familiar with the saying " Masya Allah " [1] (ما شاء الله). Even you as a reader may have said it often. Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Baz said, "It is prescribed for the believers when see something that amazed him to say ' Masha Allah ' or ' Baaraahuahu Fiik ' or ' Allahumma Baarik Fiihi ' as Allah Almighty says:

ولولا إذ دخلت جنتك قلت ما شاء الله لا قوة إلا بالله

' And why did you, when you entered your garden, not say, 'MAA SYAA ALLAH, LAA QUWWATA ILLAA BILLAH”(‘What Allah willed [has occurred]; there is no power except in Allah )'?  ' ' 
(Surat al-Kahf: 39) "
( Fatawa Nurun 'alad Darbi , no.39905).

Meaning of Masha Allah

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But do you know what the meaning of saying " MashaAllah "? Consider the following explanation:

In the book of Tafsir Al Quranul Karim Surat Al Kahf, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih al-'Uthaymeen explains that the phrase "Masya Allah" (ما شاء الله) can be interpreted with two meanings. This is because the phrase "maa syaa Allah" (ما شاء الله) can be i'rab [2] in two ways in Arabic:

The first I'rab of "Masya Allah" (ما شاء الله) 

is by making the word "maa" (ما) as isim maushul (conjunction) and the word is a khabar (predicate). Mubtada '(subject) of the sentence is mubtada' which is hidden, that is "hadzaa" (هذا). Thus, the whole form of the phrase "maa syaa Allah" is:
هذا ما شاء الله

/ hadzaa maa syaa Allah /

If so, then the meaning -+ is: 

" this is what Allah wants ".

The second i'rab, 

the word "maa" (ما) to "maa syaa Allah" is maa syarthiyyah (noun that indicates cause) and the phrase " shaa Allah " (شاء الله) is the fi'il syarath (verb indicating cause). While the answer syarath (noun that indicates the result of the cause) of the sentence is hidden, that is "kaana" (كان). Thus, the whole form of the phrase "maa syaa Allah" is:
ما شاء الله كان

/ maa syaa Allahu kaana /

If so then the meaning in the english language is -+: 

" what is desired by Allah, then that is what will happen ".

In summary, "maa syaa Allah" can be translated with two translations, " this is what Allah wants " or " what Allah wants, then that is what will happen ". So when we see the amazing thing, then we say "Masya Allah" (ما شاء الله), meaning we realize and stipulate that the amazing thing is merely due to the power of Allah.

May our verbs always be dampened with the words of dhikr to Allah Ta'ala. Wabillahit taufiq.



[1] Some people question the writing of "Masha Allah" or "Masha Allah" or "Maasyaa Allah" or "Masyallah". Perhaps for the righteous is "Maa Syaa-Allah" or "Maa Shaya-a God". But this is actually not worth the trouble, everything can be used. Because the Latin letters can not accommodate Arabic perfectly. So the important thing is his oral pronunciation. Even in formal writing, it should follow the rules of transliteration based on the Joint Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs and Minister P and K Number 158 of 1987 - Number: 0543 b / u / 1987. See it at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Support_about_Arab_ke_Latin 
If by this guide, then the standard writing is: Māsyā-a Allāhu 
However, again, this is not a big deal as long as it is not too far from the Arabic pronunciation.

[2] I'rab is the translation of sentence structure in Arabic.

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