Menstruation At Prayer Times While Not Already Praying (salat)

Menstruation At Prayer Times While Not Already Praying

Menstruation At Prayer Times While Not Already Praying (salat)

Assalamualaikum Ustadz
I want to ask few questions, this is someone who asked "if we take a holy bath (junub) after menstruation at around 6:15 a.m. (because of waking up late) and what if the menstruation start at the time of isya/isha prayer. but still doesn't praying evening (isya/isha) prayer yet,

the question, may dawn (subh) prayer be fulfilled because it is oversleeping? Then, the isya/isha qadha prayer is done that morning or waiting for the evening ???
Shukron ...
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb


Wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Bismillah walhamdulillah was sholaatu wassalam'ala Rasulillah, 'amma ba'du.

From the questions that you said, we caught three questions:

[1] Holy before or at dawn, but had not had the chance to take a big shower (junub) until the subh (dawn) prayer time end.

[2]. Having menstruation at isha time, but had not had time to perform Isha prayer.

[3]. Technically qadha 'prayers for menstruating women.

By asking for help from Allah, we describe one by one.

First case, holy before or at dawn, but had not had a chance to take a big shower (junub) until dawn.

There are two obligations that must be made for those who experience this:

[a] Qadha the 'Fajr (subh) prayer.

Because the benchmark is the holy time, not the big bath. As long as menstrual blood stops in prayer time, at that time she returns to being entitled to the obligation of worship, then at that time she is obliged to pray as soon as possible.

Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Baz rahimahullah asserted,

الحائض لو أخرت الغسل إلى طلوع الشمس وهي طهرت في أول الوقت أو في لخر الليل عليها أن تقضي صلاة الفجر تصلي صلاة الفجر ،

Menstrual women who end the big bath (janabah) until the sun rises, even though she has been purified menstruation from the beginning of the dawn time or at the end of the night, she is obliged to qodo (qadha) 'the dawn (subh) prayer.

(Quoted from his official website: حكم-قضاء-الصلاة-الفاىتة-للجنب)

[b]. Repent to God.

Because she has delayed for washing time (big bath) until she comes out of prayer time. This includes a major sin that she must be repent.

Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Baz again explained,

ولا يجوز لها هذا العمل ولا يجوز للجنب هذا العمل, يجب على الجنب أن يغتسل في الوقت, وهكذا الحائض يجب عليها أن تغتسل في الوقت وتصلي في الوقت, لكن لو أخرا أثما .. أثما بهذا وعليهما التوبة مع فعل الصلاة.

Delaying a large shower like this should not be done by people who are in a similar way as well as menstruating women. They are obliged to take a bath immediately at the time of prayer then must immediately perform the prayer. As for postponing it, then they sin ... Sin because of this action. So they must repent and are obliged to pray.

(Quoted from his official website: https: // حكم-قضاء-الصلاة-الفاىتة-للجنب)

The second case, menstruation at the time of isha prayer, but had not had time to perform Isha prayer.

There are three opinions of scholars related to this case:

First opinion, while still having time to do takbiratul ihram, she is obliged to qodo '.

The second opinion, as long as there is enough time to pray perfectly, it is necessary to qodo '.

Third opinion, as long as there is enough time to do one rak'at, it is necessary to qodo '.

This third opinion, Insha Allah , is closer to the truth. Because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

من أدرك ركعة من الصلاة فقد أدرك الصلاة

Who has got one raka'at, then he has entered one prayer. 
(Narrated by Bukhori and Muslim)

So as long as it is concerned during the holy time of Isha, the time span is enough to do one raka'at of Isha prayer, then he is obliged to qodo 'pray his prayer. If not, then it is not mandatory to qodo '.

The isha prayer time starts from the loss of reddish light in the western horizon, until about a midnight. Based on the explanation of the angel Jibril 'alaihis salam when explaining the times of prayer fardhu to the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam ,

وَوَقْتُ الْمَغْرِبِ مَا لَمْ يَسْقُطْ ثَوْرُ الشَّفَقِ وَوَقْتُ الْعِشَاءِ إِلَى نِصْفِ اللَّيْلِ

Maghrib prayer time as long as there mega light on the western horizon is not running out. The Isha prayer time stretches until about midnight. (Narrated by Muslim)

Half a night how to measure it: summed the hours between the beginning of Maghrib prayer time until Fajr, then divided by two. For example Maghrib prayers at 18:00 (6), morning prayers at 4:30 a.m., we sum up the hours: 10 hours 30 minutes (6 until 4.30). Then divided into two, you will end the evening prayer, which is at 11:15 a.m.

Third Case, technically qodo 'prayer for menstruating women.

First, qodo must be done as soon as possible. No need to wait for the prayer time to arrive.

This is because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

من نام عن صلاة أو نسيها فليصلها إذا ذكرها

"Who falls asleep until he misses prayer, or is forgotten, let him do the prayer when he remembers."

Even if it coincides with the forbidden period of prayer, it doesn't matter. Based on the generality of the hadith above.

Second, jama'the prayer that can be jama'.

Prayers that can be jama' are: Dhuhur with Asr, and Maghrib with Isha.

So if the holy is at the time of Asr, he is obliged to qodo 'Dhuhur and Asr prayers, by do in jama' prayer. Or holy at the time of Isha, it is mandatory to qodo 'Maghrib and Isha prayers by making in jama' prayer.

In Zaadul Mustaqni 'explained,

ومن صار أهلا لوجوبها قبل خروج وقتها: لزمته وما يجمع إليها قبلها

Who is entitled to the obligation to pray (like when a woman's holy from menstruation), before a certain prayer time is out, then she is obliged to qodo' the prayer and do in jama' prayer if the previous prayer possible to be treated. (See: Ar-Roudhul Murbi 'Syarah Zaadil Mustaqni', p. 56)

Wallahua'lam bis showab.

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